Who Are We

Founded in 2006

We offer a big picture approach to problem solving and the role of technology in your business environment.

Our team of business analysts, information technology and business professionals and dedicated engineers deliver a holistic and balanced tech solution to a diverse range of clients .

We focus on your strategic objectives to ensure that the role of information technology is integrated into the short, medium and long-term outlook of your company.

Our Approach

We aim to integrate technology within your existing business processes in a value-adding and support role in order to achieve your strategic objectives.

Based on hands-on experience in the field over two decades and inspired by current trends in the academic and development environments, we have created an implementation model that allows us to deliver outcome-critical information in a format you’ll find useful – not a format dictated by an “IT department”.

At iSquared we strive to develop mutually beneficial relationships that result in value for all stakeholders. In short we embrace a “win-win” approach”.

We welcome debate and robust engagement when it comes to solving problems and our team is firmly focused on pushing boundaries and innovation for the benefit of our clients. iSquared is fundamentally committed to absolute transparency in everything we do and value ethics over profits.

Our People


Our people are passionate about technology and solving complex problems. We have a formidable team of technologists skilled in turn-key ICT projects. They are supported by a support services team with seasoned technologist leading each team. Our mentorship and internship program ensures a constant pipeline of young South Africans ready for the world of enterprise IT.

Operations Specialist

We are passionate about processes and works instructions. We constantly seek ways to improve and optimize our own operations and upstream suppliers so we can source and deliver 3rd party products and services.

Tech Evangelists

The ever-changing world of technology requires skilled marketers to articulate the business value to business owners. Our team of sales and marketing professionals enable our customers to understand the tools we need to manage your environment. They assist in developing partnerships with global ICT vendors and suppliers to lower the cost of acquisition.

Choose iSquared as your Cloud Solutions Partner

Moving to the cloud does not have to complicated, costly or stressful. iSquared offers businesses Cloud Based solutions that meet their unique set of needs.

Our team of experts consult and analyze your existing business and then find solutions that meet your needs and solve any challenges.

Stay In Touch

We are alwayes here to help out